Bearded Vulture Conservation Project Overview
In keeping with the goals of the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme, our efforts aim to help conserve the bearded vulture, a critically endangered vulture species in South Africa and Lesotho. Our goals are to stabilise and rehabilitate the bearded vulture population and promote awareness and funds for conservation efforts.
Steering Committee for the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme
In response to the critical need to bolster the Southern African Bearded Vulture population, the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme was initiated. Its core mission is to ensure the survival and flourishing of this species, recognizing its vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems and providing essential ecological services.
The Bearded Vulture Task Force is central to this initiative, tasked with guiding and executing the Bilateral Bearded Vulture Recovery Strategy & Action Plan for Southern Africa. This comprehensive strategy and action plan are meticulously designed to achieve objectives critical for reviving the Bearded Vulture populations across Lesotho and South Africa.
The task force comprises a diverse array of implementing organizations, encompassing national and provincial entities responsible for environmental management, conservation, security, and transfrontier coordination in both Lesotho and South Africa. These organisations include the Bearded Vulture Breeding Programme, BirdLife South Africa, Endangered Wildlife Trust, Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, Lesotho Electricity Company, Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Programme, Quthing Wildlife and Development Trust and Wildlife ACT Fund Trust.
Project Objectives
While our passion for conservation is undeniable, we also acknowledge the limitations of our knowledge, skills, and capabilities. Therefore, to ensure the safe and effective execution of our objectives, we understand the importance of seeking guidance and working closely with experienced conservationists, such as members of the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme. This collaboration guarantees we are taking appropriate steps to safeguard this species and its environment.
We are committed to maintaining transparency, promoting engagement, and fostering stakeholder collaboration. This includes regular monitoring and reporting of our progress towards achieving our objectives. We will maintain open communication channels with our funders and other stakeholders to ensure they are well-informed and actively involved in our conservation endeavours.
Feeding Site
Provide uncontaminated food at a well-managed vulture supplementary feeding station to help the species survive, especially during food shortages.
Real-time Observation
Develop and build a high-resolution, real-time streaming platform using HD cameras to capture bearded vultures during feed and nesting periods and offer an immersive wildlife experience to a global audience.
GPS Tracking
Install GPS tracking devices on selected birds, thereby providing vital data on species movement, habitat use, and behaviour. This information will aid spatial mapping and activity analysis.
Project Location
Located in the heart of the upper Drakensberg area, Silver Hill Lodge is a 4-star tourist lodge that has been accepted into the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Biodiversity Stewardship Programme due to its significant biodiversity value. It will be gazetted as a registered South African nature reserve in 2023, and the Bearded Vulture Conservation Project will be based within the property boundaries of this reserve.

Objective 1: Feeding Site
Over the past two years, a vulture supplementary feeding station has been established at our project site in the Drakensberg. With up to 200 kg of high-quality carcasses laid out once a week, over 20 individual birds have been consistently observed visiting the site.
Funding Target: ZAR 30,000.00
As a result, a new cluster of more than 20 bearded vultures has been observed, consisting of three adults and 17+ subadults and juveniles. In addition, a safe and consistent supply of food has been established for these magnificent birds.
Interestingly, other species have also been observed visiting the feeding site, including the endangered Cape vulture and the majestic black eagle.

Objective 2: Observation
We have successfully developed and built an HD camera streaming platform to capture bearded vultures during feed periods. This allows global audiences to observe these magnificent birds in real-time with the added capabilities of thermal imagery and streaming to the internet. It provides an immersive wildlife experience and is accessible to naturalists, birdwatchers, photographers, and researchers.
Funding Target: ZAR 28,000.00
Bird enthusiasts (twitchers), researchers, and conservationists worldwide can observe the birds unobtrusively. Observations of fascinating and previously unobserved interactions between species have provided valuable data on their feeding times, conditions, preferences, and habits.

Objective 3: GPS Tracking
GPS tracking is essential for the conservation and study of vultures, enabling researchers to monitor their behaviour, movement patterns, and habitats. Dr. Sonja Krüger, ecologist for Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and coordinator of the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme, has successfully tagged and released several bearded vultures in the past.
Funding Target: ZAR 150,000.00
The implementation of GPS tracking for bearded vultures in this project is currently under discussion with the experts from the Bearded Vulture Recovery Programme

Funding Model
I.A.T. implements a 90:10 funding model.
90% of all funding (for which a SARS section-18(a) certificate is issued) is directly invested into the project specified by the donor.
10% of funding is reserved for Trust administrative activities.
Van der Meulen Accountants (member of SAIPA—South African Institute of Professional Accountants) will prepare and publish annual financial statements and reports for donors.
Funding to Date